How to clean dentures?

Just like regular teeth, dentures gather plaque, tartar and stains in daily use. To keep your mouth looking and feeling its best, a good denture cleaning routine can help. Here’s how it’s done.

Man with child

Carefully read all information provided with the product before use.

Step 1: Soak

Drop a Polident denture cleansing tablet into a small container of very warm (not hot) water and soak the dentures for the amount of time specified on the product packaging. There should be enough water to completely cover the denture. A specialist denture cleanser, such as Polident, can remove* 99.9% of odour-causing bacteria**.

Step 2: Brush

Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and the cleanser tablet solution to gently brush your dentures to clean off any remaining debris. Avoid using regular toothpaste, as its abrasive effects could cause tiny scratches on the denture surface, which could then cause bacteria to build up.

Step 3: Rinse

Once soaked and brushed, discard any remaining cleaning solution immediately after use and rinse your dentures thoroughly under running water.


Schedule regular visits to your dentist so that they can check up on your dentures and the rest of your mouth.

Knowing exactly how to clean your dentures and having a daily cleaning routine should help ensure your full and partial dentures are kept as clean as possible, leaving you with every confidence to live life loud.

*When used as directed.
**In laboratory tests. Kiesow, A. et al. (2016) J. Prosthet. Dent. 115(2);189-98. Financial sponsor: Haleon.